
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Lone Dinner

I take all the time and pride to prepare three healthy meals. I like working in the kitchen. But I can prepare food good only for myself. Food good for health; I have my own local menu. Moreover, there isn't any fixed menu. Whatever I feel is good for health becomes my menu.  I usually go for organic stuff. A green vegetable, fruits, leaves items. I also go for Pasta. Varieties of noodles, boiled potatoes, raw cabbage leaves. However, morning breakfast is typically an egg with bread, soup from green leaves.  From normal Bhutanese, I take less rice, less chilli, less oil, less salt, and less delicious food but good for health. In one of my previous posts, I have written about Bhutanese food habits and the way forward.  Interestingly, I have seen mountains of green vegetables and eatables around our rich biodiversity. It is time to rethink and start such food culture to our younger generation that can help an overly paralyzed economy, it can at least cut down a few per ce...

There is No Time for Complacency

As the world cries for this #COVID-19 pandemic war, there is no time for complacency and easygoing attitude. Nothing else should matter in such a crucial moment than your personal health and hygiene. Above all, your personal safety. Say no to any social gathering with friends and relatives.   Your little self-discipline and swift response will go a long way.  Keep washing your hands with soaps and water regularly for at least 20 seconds and maintain at least one-meter physical distance from –friends and relatives were found to be very effective. Those office goers, please be very mindful about your moves, do not touch everything and go carelessly everywhere. Try to maintain certain restrictions at this time in visiting restaurants and hotels. Try to refrain from making an appointment to meet your friends and family unless very necessary. Please, do not be carefree. Remember such ignorance will only lead to a problem. Such selfish behaviour should not happen in su...

Magic Man

Manchester City over the years have performed exceptionally well, and played good football games both at home and away. Pep Guardiola has been fundamental for their success in recent years.  The city's talisman, Kelvin de Bruyne is one of the key men behind their success. As he is always, he makes different levels of chances, attempting, assisting, defending and attacking in the pitch. Also his leadership makes the games well organised and high throughout the match. He is essentially twice as creative and powerful as the typical central midfielder has to be. He is not only the king of assists and creativity but also the passes.  Perhaps, he is one of the best midfielders in the world.   I am an avid football fan for last decade; I am a Manchester City and Kelvin de Bruyne fan, although I have plenty more players whom I always admire for their discipline and football endeavor –Messi for his magical left leg, Ronaldo for his leadership, Silva for his simplicity, Aguero fo...

Two Great Souls Lost at the Same Time

In the midst of fighting COVID-19 pandemic war, the news of two great souls lost within an hour's gap is something very painful and unlikely. However, interestingly two souls are perfectly similar in nature and attitude.  Karma Wangchuk  Sir as I know by far is one very simple human being. Someone very much and infinitely the vessel of English Vocabulary, honest nature lover, artist, music lover and a photographer. Although you departed forever, and very far away, I will always remember your diction of wisdom.  He is basically a man of few words. A man whose wisdom and inspiration drive was infinitely large.  Kenny Roger  is an American singer, songwriter and entrepreneur. A great human being whose love for music was indeed infinite and eternal. What I know little about him was all through his songs. Whenever, I feel lonely and alone, I tune to his music roll and listen until everything is fine and I could wave some dreams of happiness. His song not only gives ...

Actor Tshering Gyeltshen; Someone I admired For the Longest Time

Keta, Tshering Gyeltshen. Pic, from his FB Page The story began in the late autumn of 2005, when I was a little naughty school boy. I can still remember the setting of the Live Drama he and his team have performed for two schools; Damphu HSS and Damphu LSS.  It was in Damphu LS basketball court, when I saw  Keta Tshering  for the first time with his acting team (TGMI) performing a live drama kind of show to staff, students, and some public nearby. I believe it was a kind of awareness created to uplift the power of drama. Anyway, it was an educational outfit.  I saw his team giving the best live performances ever. I got the feel of what Drama is, and the power of acting. However, towards the end of the program,  Keta Tshering  gave a closing remarks and the objectives of his show in his best vocal and probably in a very fluent and lively English tune. It was that time, I started to admire and follow his work so closely. As a little boy, he became my i...

Her 3rd Happy Birthday

As we celebrate your 3rd   Happy Birthday, your mama and I are so happy and lucky to be by your side growing older happily together each day –Playing. Fighting. Nagging. Requesting. Chasing. Sleeping. Eating. Jumping.  As we celebrate your Birthday, we have few memorable moments spent with you –your heavy slapping often was surprisingly painful and unforgetful one. Biting and scratching game between us with an unfair referee was indeed painful when we used to miss your favourite candy. Dear, sometimes we forget purposefully for many good reasons, and on a few occasions we did not have enough cash $$$ to buy your candy. SORRY$$$ for that! I used to blame Kinder Joy Owner, an Italian company “Ferrero” for being too selfish and smart. I am still unsure what that little crazy box contained inside has that attracted every kid of your age. I saw many similar wars and nagging happening around neighbourhoods of my kinds for the same candy.   Playing by your side was another swe...

Beyond Common Sense

This morning as I was briefly updating some Newsfeed on latest COVID-19, I came across this interesting post made in STCB Ltd page –STCBL commissioned its first ever fuel retail outlet at Ramtokto, Thimphu, today. Venerable  Laytshog Lopen  inaugurated the fuel retail outlet. This is not the news I was surprised and wanted to share through this post. I was amazed if not for the first time with this warming news of –"Besides fuel, the outlet offers  drinking water ,  clean restrooms , and  free air service  for customers." It immensely surprised me that we have people with some good common sense. I thought of these kinds for so long and it happened by surprise. Perhaps, we have room for better service and business as always. This is how we need to think for a small developing nation with a very small and unstable economy. More than the news of COVID-19 pandemic that has grieved the world, I was gripped by their kindness, good gesture and innovation. We need...

What COVID-19 did ?

This COVID-19 has shaken the world shaken in so many ways. The World Economy disrupted very badly. Thus, it did not even spare a very tiny and isolated nation –BHUTAN!  However, for us the much alarming fear came only after confirming the country's first COVID-19 case in a 76-year old American guy who came via India tested positive for the disease? The good news was that the impact was felt and the different contingency plans were immediately drawn before the virus spread -beyond. Nevertheless, more hoax was the fear of death and not this Naughty Virus. 1.       There is no room for complacent and easy-going in this war, which we are actually good at.  1.       Bhutanese poor hand washing habit was greatly enhanced at least for this time. In fact, hand washing can save the spread of so many germs that cause different diseases. Thus, hand washing before and after meals, visiting the washroom, touching animals and other unhygien...