I have sensed something unusual on the public notice posted on January 1 on PMO's Page. It stated PM Dr. Lotay Tshering will address the nation LIVE from Gelephu on March 2, and urged everyone to closely follow the address on BBS at 9:00 am.
I've felt a great authority in the lines and expected some change in the current COVID thing -plan, protocol and way forward. Listening to the ever eloquent voice of Dr. Lotay was worth my wait. I got the bull eye with my little instinct.
Finally, Dr. Lotay has politely dropped the ball in the hands of an individual citizen. There is nothing but to be self-cautious beyond wearing face masks and washing hands to protect our family and community.
Since the break of this pandemic, His Majesty has been guarding the nation in his might by risking his life and Royal Comfort. Our king did his best without leaving a single subject untouched. He toured on foot to the remotest part of the country to check the difficulties common people face on a daily basis and made everything possible through Royal kidu and even made a supply of daily commodities. His Majesty lives by example but we have failed to keep up the royal vision of our beloved king and there is nothing disheartening than the failed promise.
Doctor's run government has done their part well. They did –beyond the call of their mandates. Going by the Covid data, our young government has fairly outperformed many elite countries. There is nothing more satisfying than having one of the best policies in place. I have had my deep appreciation for their decision.
The Covid restrictions have come at different times. For sure, it had caused immense difficulties. But, it's only to manage the spread of the virus in the community, so that it does not pose a threat to precious lives and paralyze our small health system.
However, I've reservations about a free quarantine system. Although, it was in the best interest of the general public, yet I feel there is one -way traffic and the government bearing every bit of penny at such an hour was something we must relook in near future. I feel the cost sharing basis system would have been ideal, sustainable and more meaningful.
Making a vibrant system in delivering a public service is a must and we must look from different angles. There should always be a win-win situation; otherwise, change and development we aspire for GNH nation will be just a dream.
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