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Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson – REWORK

source: Google

Rework is a thought-provoking book that comes in a simple language yet powerful to rethink many aspects of our work especially on doing business. 

I came across this interesting line from my FB friend by name: Dorji Wangchuk, whom I have known for many years now as a blogger, educationist, and engineer. He pointed out "Jaigaon. People in the same business coordinate. Bhutan: People in the same business cancel each other". What can be more thoughtful than this phrase? I believe this is nothing far from the real-truth that's in our veins, kind of traditional  pass down from generation this slow nerve, and especially our people need to relearn, and unlearn through this beautiful book "REWORK" about the art of doing "BUSINESS".

The best part of the book is that it did not need to be read in order, page-by-page, or chapter-by-chapter, or topic-by-topic, one can read by picking up any page, or topic or chapter in any order. The other interesting part is that each topic is not more than a page with a lot of information, and practical knowledge usable in everyday life. 

Rather than overloading with a lot of information, or review, I would simply lay down a few takeaways from the book which I felt is worth sharing and hopefully reminiscing for future. 

There is no big thing, or wealth, anything in life, or business. One must have the courage to make a start, it need not be big or small. I have “NO TIME” is an easy lie in life. As we move on with life, one must embrace a continuous constraint both big and small, now and in future, one must learn to adapt with challenges not just in business but in life.

Focus on what won’t change is another interesting eye-opening lesson I had through the “” example of –fast shipping, great selection, friendly return policies and affordable prices. As it says, these aspects will always be in high demand all over the world. The Japanese automakers principles of reliability, affordability and practicality were in a good mention. 

The mention of Zappos customer-service to Polyface’s selling of ideas and thinking were something that everyone needs to rethink and rework on to be successful in business and in life. 

The ideas of drug dealers get it right is so much to do with one’s brilliance and astuteness. In business and in life, one must have the art and courage to be like a drug dealer, “emulate drug dealers”! Make your product so good, so addictive, so can’t miss that giving customers a small, free taste makes them come back with cash in hand –what an idea!

I half believe in someone’s resume for the fact that I have made it to simply land a job – and nothing more. The Authors put it as “resumes are ridiculous” is something that everyone including rudest to brightest need rethinking and reworking. In simple terms –resumes are an exaggeration and don't hold anything much to the need of any business. 

Another bolstering topic I have come across to my likeness is “put everyone on the front lines”, to me this looks like, “everyone here is a leader” concept which is always close to my heart in whatever affairs of life we are, it really doesn’t make difference with position, experience or qualification, rather its tantamount to understand the whole dynamics of work, business or anything. 

“Send people home at 5”. It sounds like crazy stuff but what can be more practical than making someone over-work, or holding back to finish the task when the energy is in the last bar. How beautiful and practical is this “human need better hours, and not more hours”. I understand that it means work-life-balance is crucial for everyone. 

I am an avid believer of this word “workaholism” because I fall in this category. Until I saw this topic in this “rework”, I couldn't believe more than my foolishness of a rudimentary, more like a blind faith to this. It could have been so far that for the longest period, I fancy “Japanese” work culture, ethic, belief, and principles of life. To the extent that now I suffer from acute back pain to eye pain to muscle pain, and more is yet to come by. 

This book has opened my eyes in many ways. Wholesome! One inspiring book that I've read in my reading list. I suggest all to read this book as it is available online in "pdf" version for the easiest grab. Easy to read and understand. However, I would like friends to take care of your eye-on-screen. 




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