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A Wonderful Workmate

"That's strange," Simon remarked. "The cars are ridiculously filthy." I advised him to be careful when bending over to clean the car, reminding him that self-care is crucial to avoid back pain and to maintain our ability to keep working in the yard all week. 

Simon quickly got the hang of cleaning the cars, showing a great sense of humor and a better taste in cars than I had. While I was clueless about a few brands, he seemed an automotive genius.

To pass our time, Simon and I discussed a wide range of topics –politics, wars, sports, culture, weather, and music, sharing our experiences and exchanging some random thoughts and comments. Perhaps, we acted like an expert! 

Technology, AI, education, jobs, and business were frequent subjects as well. We even did not spare our mountains, trees, rivers, landscapes, and wildlife. Discussions about car brands, colors, and smoothness energized us and kept us motivated throughout the day. We were occupied talking about our passions and hobbies, even sharing personal stories, musical tastes, food, wine, bills, saving habits, pensions, society, etc, etc,.

Simon, who has a lot of experience in the hospitality sector, joined me in working outdoors on cold winter days. He brings a bag of experience and maturity in workplace; ethics, professionalism, diligence, and committed to his work, possessing a cool and pleasant personality, he kept me engaged with different perspectives. 

He speaks passionately and enthusiastically about every matter like a true Australian gentleman. Despite his long span in hospitality, he never yearns to return to his first job (reason:unknown!). His knowledge of cars, including caravans, 2-wheel drives, power, and interiors, is exceptional. 

   ... he reignited my passion for nature even more than before...

With a lot of experience in logging, gardening, horticulture, and landscaping, Simon is a very clean and organized person. We also discussed humanity, climate change, fashion, the market, mental health and well-being, and many aspects of our culture and youth. 

A pet lover, Simon has a pet cat, while his mother loves dogs. When I asked him why most people prefer pet dogs, he unfailingly explained at length that "dogs are likely the most obedient and loyal pets, understands feelings, provides good companionship, and encourages daily walks."

We had some brief discussion about life challenges—pain and happiness. We recognize that future challenges will intensify with advancements in technology, AI, IoT, and cyber threats, alongside escalating geopolitical tensions and a decline in humanity. Amid these issues, we stress the need for social cohesion to protect future generations. We also call for strong leadership to guide our nation forward, ensuring the world remains a beautiful and happy place to live.

Despite our different upbringings and cultural backgrounds, Simon and I shared similar values and beliefs regarding nature and humanity. While Simon had his first Bhutanese workmate, I had pearls of wisdom from this gentleman on many topics.

As I called Simon over to give the last car of the day a final wipe, I spoke to him about the beauty of Australia -I whispered in his ear, "your country is amazing."


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