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Reden's 4th Birthday

Dear Reden,

Four years ago, on August 8, 2020, you came into our lives, completing our family of four. That day, you became a cherished part of our happy family. Your sister Yesha was overjoyed to see your face when we returned from the hospital (JDWNRH). I am deeply grateful to your mom, my life partner, for carrying you for nine months, nurturing you with love and care, and enduring so much pain and hardship to bring you into this world. We will always treasure the moment you joined us.

August 8, 2020, was during the first nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. Despite the many strict lockdown protocols, the joy of your safe arrival made everything easier. For so many reasons, August 8 will always hold a special place in our hearts.

I just wanted to share a few thoughts about how we are feeling being away from you and Yesha. It was never our intention to be away from you two for such an extended period. As much as you both feel our absence, we are enduring an even greater pain, thinking of you and Yesha every day, wondering how you are spending your time with your grandparents, Deewa, Demma, Rewang, and Reba. But we find comfort knowing you are absolutely in a safe hand, well cared for. Someday, when you know, you should make a point to thank all your (all) homies.

We understand what it means to be away from home, especially from you two. Words cannot fully express our feelings. the emptiness is so much. Your mom and I have arranged a simple celebration with your cousins, homies, and grandparents. Know that we are always with you in spirit, supporting you in every moment of your life. 

A simple birthday cake, in your favorite Spider-Man colors, is ready, along with a colorful suit for you and Rewang to wear as your cousins and homies sing you a happy birthday. Think that we're by your side, singing along with them.

Enjoy the evening with the cake you love, the colorful Hulk suit (matching with Rewang), some candies, your favorite juice, and a simple dinner to make you happy. We hope you grow into a good human being with love for your family, relatives, community, and country.

Your mom and I have offered a butter lamp and a special flower in your honor here. We wish you a very happy birthday. May all your wishes come true! 


Your Dad and Mom


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