
Showing posts from 2018


Highway Highway! The king of all roads The best of all roads The busiest of all roads Many will travel and few will fall The house I belong was deep and dark On a beautiful super sunny day to watch this highway, the last day of the year Tonight is the last to breathe for the last year Tonight many will fall but I will watch this road more sour-fully than ever. Tonight many will blast their belly And some will rock their road least travelled. I will stay tuned for the night watching this highway. Tonight some will become a highwayman And some will ride for the last I will stay active eleven meter away watching some gruesome highwaymen. Tonight some will ride their horse on this highway and few will ride for the last I will watch this musty road in color. Tonight some will ride their tiger on this highway and few will sum up their cash for the last And I will watch this highway of pattern pitifully. Tonight some will ride their dog on this highway And few will ride for the last I will fo...

Do not compare your child’s achievements with those of other children

I am sharing one interesting piece of writing from the book –Teach Your Children Well. This book has tons and tons of parenting information. Teachers can also get plenty of good material. The puzzle like why Tashi outperforms Pema in math tests is overly solved through examples and case study. A very book for all of us. Kids this age are making comparisons in earnest and they make them about everything, most especially academic performance, athletic ability and popularity. This opens the door for a few high-performing kids to feel really good and many more to feel bad. Teachers and parents both intentionally and unintentionally make comparisons between a child and classmates, siblings, peers and other family members. Your brother got all A’s, why can't you? If you don’t keep up in math, you and your best friend, Tashi, won't be in the same math group anymore.   Pema and Tshering seem to have such nice friends. Couldn't you try a little harder to be friendlier? While these ...

How Parents can Help?

I am sharing some excerpts from the book titled –Teach your children well. A most read book worldwide. This book is for all ages -parents, teachers, school counselors, siblings, politicians, law makers, seniors, businessmen and entrepreneurs to know your own child first. For some moms there is a sense of loss now that their child is out of the house much of the day and increasingly turning to peers for companionship, support and comfort. The secrets and confidences that once were shared between the two of you are now being shared with others and your access to your child's internal life is becoming restricted especially toward the end of elementary school. For other mothers this is a welcome change, allowing them to concentrate more on other siblings, a career, their spouse or themselves. For most of us it's a mixed bag.  There's the drumbeat of eventual separation at the same time that we are extremely involved in our child's burgeoning desire to explore and be active...

Book Review: 1984

Name of the book: 1984 Book genre: Political satire (classic/fiction) Page number: 318 Year of publication: 2005 (7th impression on August, 2014)   George Orwell's 1984 is a book that talks about the basic human qualities that change so often. Therefore, the book is all about the expression of the mood of despair of humanity.   Peace and justice are the goals of man. With the breakup of the medieval age, man's sense of strength and his hope, not only for the individual but also for social perfection assumed new strength and took new ways –war and peace are inevitable part of society.   While one experiences freedom, there are societies facing prejudice, irrationality and injustice that are the main cause of sorrow and unhappiness.   Precisely the significance of Orwell's book also talked about the new mood of hopelessness, which pervades our age and has taken hold of our consciousness. The book discussed in great length about the mood of the present and warned ...

Should be there be School on Saturdays?

Although, Saturday classes can give a few extra hours to study ( almost null in our present context ) and will help them not to compromise their learning subjects because of pressure and lack of time ( this has not happened much across all the subjects ).  Usually on Saturday students can come to school on their best colorful attire but only to ruin their mood and themselves in their agriculture garden or SUPW or mass cleaning or class decoration work. In this way most of the Saturdays are used up for such miscellaneous activities which actually is more stressful and burdensome for our young kids and school teachers. That means Saturday classes aren't benefiting much but end up more tiring than usual. Same day (Saturday) in most parts of the world reunites most working and school children with their friends and families. However, this luxury in our context is given only to a few handful fortunate civil servants. So, in this way there is free time, washing time, family time and f...

Take-home message from Chhokhor_Tang (Bumthang) general election public debate

As Bhutan gears up for the third general round of elections, we can see so many political glitches. There are numerous attacks for both the candidates and the party by other party representatives and fellow Bhutanese citizens. But, the more severe was between the two different party candidates when they were on live tv programs.  Like any other constituencies the Chhokhor_Tang general election public debate between former Journalist Dawa and DPT incumbent Pema Gyamtsho has surprised me more. Although they come from the same blood, I never thought they would be this polite to each other because they represent two different political parties. Like in Bumthang, other Dzongkhags also have similar family members taking part in elections from different parties but never was like DNT Dawa and DPT Pema Gyamtsho. Both are fighting to win the political race with their own party motto and pledges. To me the debate between them was very lively. At any point of the debate, I did not feel l...

Youth and Culture

Culture is a strong part of our everyday lives. It influences right from our views, hopes, values and loyalties towards self and others. Together culture and tradition play a very important role in building strong family bonds from generation to generation.   Nevertheless, to progress further with existing practice of serving meals in traditional etiquette in Zhemgang CS, school has recently introduced the culture of "Phob and Thoray"  (Phob means "small soup bowl" and Thoray is loosely translated for "white scarf")  to uphold our age-old culture and tradition. Perhaps, it may have seemed new to some, fashion to a few and burden to little. But it is for the good cause.  So long the history is known, "Phob and Thoray" has long existed as a part of culture and tradition in some parts of the high Himalayas. But, Bhutan Zhabdrung instituted this culture in the 16th centuries. We have nothing but this very uncommon folklore. Thi...

Why BKP lost their primary election?

When the party motto fails, politics is a game of luck and it favors the other party. BPK have lost their third parliamentary primary election for a few silly reasons.   Like any other party, BKP was a good combination of people and could have become one very strong and capable political party if elected.  1. Debasing or uprooting corruption from the system. Word "Corruption" has always a negative connotation for whatever maybe the affairs. People have misinterpreted the concept of corruption this time. Corruption motto did not interest more people. They mean to make a corrupt free society through a good system in the next five years. BKP wanted to debase and uproot all forms of corruption for a better future of the country and people.  2. They have failed because they have not appointed any party coordinators, or they have not used any money to bribe anyone anywhere in any-form.  3. The other could be probably for her straight forward spoken tone, which everyon...

Know your NA Candidate

Honestly, our party lacks long-term pledges and the environmental conservation agenda to deliver. Thus, I voted but not only for the water pledges.  While all the political parties gear up to publicize their party, party president, themselves and their pledges for next five years and –beyond, it is also important to know the right party and the right candidate who can possibly serve the nation well. Whoever comes into power, they must keep the wheels of development and progress turning without increasing the national debt. Therefore, they must be creative and workable. Whatever and however they sell themselves and the party, the only two best and the lucky party will see the light of the day after 15 th  October and two losing parties have to be in the queue for the next five years. Although, the journey of the two winning parties will become one step closer in crowning the victory but at the same time it will be more intense and challenging to pass the final test. For...

Reading Solitude

Reading. One word that defines everything.  Is it necessary to read a book or anything? No. But, reading makes you wise and bold.  It may be the easiest thing for some and hardest for the other. But for me reading is something that pleases me so much. It's always fun to read some good books. Remember, reading few books will never transform your feelings, make you a good speaker and a writer. But, it can definitely widen your thinking horizon. If you enjoy reading some lines or a few paragraphs a day, that is good enough. Feel happy and satisfied. There is nothing as good as that.  To my students, I always encourage them to read more books besides their school text to see the world –beyond seeable. Reading makes you feel better, takes you away from bad habits, it relieves your pain, engages your brain cells and more importantly it makes you wiser. Although, I picked up reading habits quite late in my life due to some circumstances, but I enjoy reading now. I am serio...

Are we ready for the Water Pledges?

Instead of more water flowing in our water taps, the onset of summer brings in more water shortage. And this is our perennial problem for decades now. Perhaps, there is a very scarce water shortage in a water rich country.  But with the election nearing, party campaigning on high and tight, the hopes in access to safe and sufficient drinking water supply for every household is becoming quite hopeful and impressive, whoever comes into power. Since, all the four political parties have their water agenda to deliver. However, I am a bit worried about this embellish pledge for how far it takes and works for the common need. I am happy for the handsome and excited big party promises but worried equally for not being so genuine. I could see their pledges would cost more than a country's total revenue for five years. If this is the case, why our two governments have terribly failed to solve this water problem which they are promising now. They felt the urgency, but they have...

I have lost a great friend

Sir, Dawa D. Tamang with his boys. Image: His FB page     As we come together to bid a farewell to one of our colleagues, the ministry of education is short of one experienced and qualified teacher.    I have lost a great friend, school has lost great asset, ministry has lost a great teacher, and students have lost a very passionate human being. I know how sad and heart breaking it is to lose a single teacher from the field.   He is a cool and soft-spoken guy full of humor. He is one of the best-looking guys in the school.    Until the education system and teaching job become attractive and unpolluted, we will continue to lose our teachers. I don’t know why teaching jobs are not grabbing the interest of our teachers and job seekers. If we continue to lose teachers especially the seasoned ones from the field, I worry about the future of education. If education has to prosper, we need a passionate and a self-driven human being moving the motio...

# India through Bhutanese Eyes

India through Bhutanese EYES. As we stand to celebrate 50 years of successful diplomatic relationship between two countries, I stand to salute wise and visionary leaders of all times. It is time we must all come together and reflect upon the past and plan for the future to further strengthen the excellent bilateral relations  between the two countries. Bhutan and India not only share boundary, but also share strong diplomatic tie that has benefited Bhutan –beyond the sky and the earth. Some significant developmental assistance committed by government of India are hydro-power plants, construction, roads, education, agriculture and health. Despite its massive population, India successfully made impression of being one of the biggest democratic countries without compromising its culture and tradition, setting a perfect example for a developing country like ours. Thank you India for helping Bhutan become a beautiful place to live. We will never forget the support and...

Book Review: Emotional Intelligence

Name of the book: Emotional Intelligence Author:  Daniel Goleman Book genre:  Self-help book Year of publication: 1995   The book by Daniel Goleman “Emotional Intelligence” takes us into a journey of self–discovery. It talks about close relationship between IQ and EQ. It says IQ is important but more so EQ is must. Perhaps, human intelligence is far too narrow and that our emotions play a huge role in decision making that lead to mountain of success. Therefore, EQ is the key to both personal and professional accomplishment.    In this grotesque world where people are fully run by technology, this book can give a very effective and practical solution to overcome your daily obstacles with colleagues and bosses. Perhaps for the same reason, I was immensely benefited. More so, I highly recommend this book for teachers and parents. It has lot of practical solution to increase leadership ability, team performance and decision making to personal wellbeing. On the other...

5 best places you must visit in Bumthang

Bumthang is located at an altitude of 2800m (9,185ft) above sea level. From the time immoral, the valley is famous for holding many age-old monasteries, Lhakhang's and other secret religious sites more than any other places. Due to its beautiful landscape, people often mislead Bumthang with Switzerland. For the local people, their main crops still remain buckwheat and barley although potatoes were recently introduced in the valley.  For centuries the valley also houses for many highly regarded lamas and intellectuals. Above all, Bumthapzams are uniquely tall and beautiful.  1. Kurjey Lhakhang   View of Kurjey Lhakhang from Tamshing monastery Kurjey Lhakhang is located few minutes’ drive away from Chamkhar town. Kurjey means the body print of Guru Rinpoche. The main temples also called as the Guru Lhakhang, that was built by Trongsa penlop, Minjur Tenpa in 1652. As you travel more inside the Lhakhang, you can see and touch many ancient historie...