I am sharing some excerpts from the book titled –Teach your children well. A most read book worldwide. This book is for all ages -parents, teachers, school counselors, siblings, politicians, law makers, seniors, businessmen and entrepreneurs to know your own child first.
For some moms there is a sense of loss now that their child is out of the house much of the day and increasingly turning to peers for companionship, support and comfort. The secrets and confidences that once were shared between the two of you are now being shared with others and your access to your child's internal life is becoming restricted especially toward the end of elementary school. For other mothers this is a welcome change, allowing them to concentrate more on other siblings, a career, their spouse or themselves. For most of us it's a mixed bag.
There's the drumbeat of eventual separation at the same time that we are extremely involved in our child's burgeoning desire to explore and be active. There are carpools and new schedules, clubs and teams, parties and sleepovers. Since, we are handing part of our children's lives over to new people and new friends, we want to make sure that they have the skills they need to form healthy, satisfying friendships.
Think back to your own early friendships. Do you still have contact with any of those friends? Do you remember more the close parts of those relationships or the conflicted parts?
Your attitudes, the pictures you pull out, the stories you tell will affect your own child's view of friendship. Share some of your positive stories with your children. Let them also know of your positive stories with your children. Let them also know that friendship involves cooperation and sometimes even disappointment.
Keep in mind that the rules, expectations and behaviors you endorse when your children are young are being internalized and will serve as a template for how they will approach friendships now and in the future.
Listen to the voice of a nine-year-old student.
It's easy to make friends unless you do not say hello. To be friends you should not talk about them behind their back. That means, do not talk about someone when they are not with you. Don't say mean things like you are stupid. And you should always smile when you introduce yourself. That is the number one thing. And also you should behave properly –even when you are angry. And never shout at your friend. If you are that angry, go get your mom.
Happy Reading!
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