
Showing posts from December, 2018


Highway Highway! The king of all roads The best of all roads The busiest of all roads Many will travel and few will fall The house I belong was deep and dark On a beautiful super sunny day to watch this highway, the last day of the year Tonight is the last to breathe for the last year Tonight many will fall but I will watch this road more sour-fully than ever. Tonight many will blast their belly And some will rock their road least travelled. I will stay tuned for the night watching this highway. Tonight some will become a highwayman And some will ride for the last I will stay active eleven meter away watching some gruesome highwaymen. Tonight some will ride their horse on this highway and few will ride for the last I will watch this musty road in color. Tonight some will ride their tiger on this highway and few will sum up their cash for the last And I will watch this highway of pattern pitifully. Tonight some will ride their dog on this highway And few will ride for the last I will fo...

Do not compare your child’s achievements with those of other children

I am sharing one interesting piece of writing from the book –Teach Your Children Well. This book has tons and tons of parenting information. Teachers can also get plenty of good material. The puzzle like why Tashi outperforms Pema in math tests is overly solved through examples and case study. A very book for all of us. Kids this age are making comparisons in earnest and they make them about everything, most especially academic performance, athletic ability and popularity. This opens the door for a few high-performing kids to feel really good and many more to feel bad. Teachers and parents both intentionally and unintentionally make comparisons between a child and classmates, siblings, peers and other family members. Your brother got all A’s, why can't you? If you don’t keep up in math, you and your best friend, Tashi, won't be in the same math group anymore.   Pema and Tshering seem to have such nice friends. Couldn't you try a little harder to be friendlier? While these ...

How Parents can Help?

I am sharing some excerpts from the book titled –Teach your children well. A most read book worldwide. This book is for all ages -parents, teachers, school counselors, siblings, politicians, law makers, seniors, businessmen and entrepreneurs to know your own child first. For some moms there is a sense of loss now that their child is out of the house much of the day and increasingly turning to peers for companionship, support and comfort. The secrets and confidences that once were shared between the two of you are now being shared with others and your access to your child's internal life is becoming restricted especially toward the end of elementary school. For other mothers this is a welcome change, allowing them to concentrate more on other siblings, a career, their spouse or themselves. For most of us it's a mixed bag.  There's the drumbeat of eventual separation at the same time that we are extremely involved in our child's burgeoning desire to explore and be active...

Book Review: 1984

Name of the book: 1984 Book genre: Political satire (classic/fiction) Page number: 318 Year of publication: 2005 (7th impression on August, 2014)   George Orwell's 1984 is a book that talks about the basic human qualities that change so often. Therefore, the book is all about the expression of the mood of despair of humanity.   Peace and justice are the goals of man. With the breakup of the medieval age, man's sense of strength and his hope, not only for the individual but also for social perfection assumed new strength and took new ways –war and peace are inevitable part of society.   While one experiences freedom, there are societies facing prejudice, irrationality and injustice that are the main cause of sorrow and unhappiness.   Precisely the significance of Orwell's book also talked about the new mood of hopelessness, which pervades our age and has taken hold of our consciousness. The book discussed in great length about the mood of the present and warned ...