
Showing posts from December, 2019

Plastic Ban Pledge

Theme : Weather, Climate and Climate change education Background A school-based action to support the government's plastic ban. With the plastic ban  reinforcement from 1st April 2019, schools across the country stand to support this green  move. Although, most of the schools already have a waste management pledge and actions  in place, this "No Plastic Initiative" will further instill the good values of more sustainable  lifestyles in the schools. Objectives i.    Create awareness on climate change through plastic ban pledges ii.   Instill the value of proper waste management iii.  Encourage staff and students to minimize the use of plastic bottles by       bringing their own reusable drinking cups Target group : Whole school. Program details : 1. Present scientific facts on effects of plastic pollution Here we see that in 2010: global primary production of plastic was 270 million tonnes; global plastic waste was 275 million tonnes...

Clean Toilet Challenge

Theme : Responsible Citizenship ASPnet School Name : Zhemgang Central School Background One of the biggest challenges in Bhutan are the toilets in schools and public. If we think back to our school days, I think we can all remember a time when we were afraid to visit our own toilet, and nearby toilets. School toilets can be extremely daunting particularly for young children if the toilet is dirty, and unfriendly. According to some unofficial records children have frequently reported smelly, dirty or unpleasant toilets in their home, schools, and public places. Therefore, with this activity in place, we create toilets children want to use it. Objectives : 1. understand and realize the importance of hygiene and its impact on daily life 2. actively consult and involve the pupils in managing the toilets 3. implement and maintain an effective toilet cleaning, supervision and inspection system to ensure proper standards throughout the school day Program deta...

When Onion Makes us CRY?

Agriculture is now more likely a failed policy hanging over a longer period of time now. Let us keep in mind this loose phrase –If agriculture fails, nothing will succeed. So far, no political agenda is solving this long-standing problem of ours. However, now it is likely becoming a sketchy equation to solve with an ever growing population. Some scholars claimed that ancient hunter-gatherer societies as peaceful paradises, and argue that war and violence began only with the  Agricultural Revolution , when people started to accumulate private property too much than the other.” Over the years, the onion has become a very essential, and unavoidable ingredient in the kitchen in most cuisines. It became a very important staple food for all kinds of people. However, the current price is something very upsetting, and unkind. The price ranges from place to place Nu. 100.00 per kg to Nu.170.00 per kg across the markets which have affected large sections of society including farmers, traders...

I Admire Her Feet

Dasho Neten Zangmo (Former Chair of ACC) As a little boy, I heard many good things about this motherly lady –a woman of very different, and unique personality, and smartness. To my best knowledge, she is not as curled as her hair style, for which people regard her as an "Iron Lady." During her tenure she had served in different government offices in various capacities. However, her position in the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) was more significant, and visible. During her tenure as ACC boss, she became so famous for her level of personal integrity, and dedicated service above self in serving TSA-WA-SUM with loyalty, and sincerity.   She is still known for her Anti-Corruption personality today in all her footsteps. It was during her time that ACC acts of Bhutan became so tight, rigid, and narrow. However, during the 2018 election period, she came into the big picture, and was the main highlight of BKP as party president. Furthermore, the party was also better kno...

Academic Practice II: Pie Chart Illustration

The two pie charts compare the different modes of transportation people used to commute to one university for work, and study percentagewise in the year 2004, and 2009. In general, buses overtook cars to be commuters’ top choice for transport medium.  Overall, the bus, and the cars services were availed the most in 2004, and 2009. However, the choice for both train and bicycle were not very popular, and common.  In 2009, over a half of people (51%) travelling to the university used cars as their main mode of transport, making automobiles the most ideal one, followed by bus with 33%. However, the figure for users experienced a nearly two-fold decrease to 28% in 2004.  The trend of preferring buses to cars could be owing to installation of a new bus stop in 2006 onward.  On the other hand, both bicycle and walking modes of transport seemed the least popular amongst all the people going to university. In 2004, train service availed was just 3%, while it increase...

Academic Practice: Writing Task I

Writing practice: Bar Chart The bar chart shows/illustrates the sales of 5 different fiction novels namely young adult, classics, mystery, romance, and sci-fic, & fantasy in each year between 2006 to 2010. Y-axis (vertical column) shows the gross income, while x-axis (horizontal) indicates the sold years (2006 to 2010). Overall, the gross earnings show the romance books were sold significantly higher than the rest of the novels throughout the period. However, sci-fic & and fantasy gave the least gross income in each year between 2006, and 2010. The sales of the romance books in the year 2007 was the highest with the gross earnings of little over $110,000.00, and the least sale was in the following year with gross earnings of around $70,000.00. However, the sales of mystery novels in each year was the second highest between 2006 and 2010. In the year 2007 the book earned a gross earnings of little over $80,000.00 but in the rest of the years the sales of the books wer...

Speaking Practice I

Part I: Introduction 1.        Tell me something about your home town or village, what kind of place is it? It's quite a small village, about 60 km away from Damphu town. Indeed, it is a very quiet and beautiful village. We have just a few shops nearby because most of the people are very oriented towards farming culture.  2.        What is the most interesting part of your home town or village? Well, my village doesn't have any holy places, yet people are very religious, kind, and helpful.  3.        What kind of jobs do people in your home town or village do? Most of the people are engage in farming, social works, local government officials, business, and community services. However, we also have some health officers, engineers, and doctors who work in government offices.  4.        Would you say it’s a good place to live? Definitely yes, because people...

The Perfect Weekend Outing

Saturday wasn't that great. Champions City fell 11 points behind the top rival Liverpool in EPL fixtures after nervy 14 games down already. Therefore, the hope of winning a third consecutive EPL crown for City is becoming slimmer and daunting. Anyway, I am hoping the best to happen on the City side in the coming days.  However, Sunday was full of different experiences as I could visit recently revived  Dangkhar Menchu  to soak myself despite a hectic schedule. The Menchu is located 8 kms (app. 4.9 miles) away from Zhemgang town towards Trongsa. It was face-lifted jointly by Zhemgang Forest Division, and the people of Dangkhar village for the preparation of recently (Nov. 11 - 13) held "Bhutan Bird Festival" at  Tingtibi .  Perhaps, it was a gift for all of us.  However, as of now, the Menchu is managed by the Dangkhar Community, and is open to all ages, and kinds.  Time : Anytime of the day. However, the best is during weekends and other holidays...