Academic Practice: Writing Task I

Writing practice: Bar Chart

The bar chart shows/illustrates the sales of 5 different fiction novels namely young adult, classics, mystery, romance, and sci-fic, & fantasy in each year between 2006 to 2010. Y-axis (vertical column) shows the gross income, while x-axis (horizontal) indicates the sold years (2006 to 2010).

Overall, the gross earnings show the romance books were sold significantly higher than the rest of the novels throughout the period. However, sci-fic & and fantasy gave the least gross income in each year between 2006, and 2010.

The sales of the romance books in the year 2007 was the highest with the gross earnings of little over $110,000.00, and the least sale was in the following year with gross earnings of around $70,000.00. However, the sales of mystery novels in each year was the second highest between 2006 and 2010. In the year 2007 the book earned a gross earnings of little over $80,000.00 but in the rest of the years the sales of the books were very similar ranging from $60,000.00 to $ 50,000.00.

On the other hand, young adult, classics, sci-fic & fantasy were sold out the least in each year. Young adults gave very constant gross revenue in all the years. However, sci-fic & fantasy gave the least gross income as compared to classic books. The year 2007, was very important and significant because the sales of all the fiction novels was the highest income generators of the five categories earning only $20,000.00, and a mere $10,000.00 in 2009, but the rest of the years seems very similar, and constant.


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