Clean Toilet Challenge
Theme: Responsible Citizenship
ASPnet School Name: Zhemgang Central School
One of the biggest challenges in Bhutan are the toilets in schools and public. If we think back to our school days, I think we can all remember a time when we were afraid to visit our own toilet, and nearby toilets. School toilets can be extremely daunting particularly for young children if the toilet is dirty, and unfriendly. According to some unofficial records children have frequently reported smelly, dirty or unpleasant toilets in their home, schools, and public places. Therefore, with this activity in place, we create toilets children want to use it.
1. understand and realize the importance of hygiene and its impact on daily life
2. actively consult and involve the pupils in managing the toilets
3. implement and maintain an effective toilet cleaning, supervision and inspection system to ensure proper standards throughout the school day
Program details:
Target group: Whole school action
Timeline: February to mid-march
1. Sensitization on clean toilet
2. Create a clean toilet movement in the school
3. Use hashtag #mytoiletmyresponsibility
4. Upload on Social Media platforms
Recommend to use Harpic and Phenol to clean toilet pots.
1. Wet or pour water lightly around the toilet pot
2. Then spread, or sprinkle Harpic in the necessary areas
3. Keep untouched for around 15-20 minutes
4. Start to scrub with the help of brush
5. Flush with water
1. Understand the importance of toilet
2. Relate clean toilet and sanitation
3. Reduce the usage of sticks, papers
4. Promote healthy toilet habits
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