
Showing posts from 2021

The Answer is Within Each Bhutanese –IV

  "We must realize that knowledge and skills, if not renewed, will soon become obsolete".    I have a bit to share on this –"renewed" and "obsolete". The Royal concern is very much genuine. But how many of us are serious with lifelong  learning, and think beyond mandate and requirement. When we think, we are driven by the genetic and faulty system thinking, we are bound to become obsolete, without good knowledge and skills. Therefore, constant touch and learning of new things, adapting to change has become a must now. I am sure, genetically and by system, Bhutanese on average do not take new learning and somehow become obsolete by 50 years of age. This set an unprecedented risk for the future as it set a complacency and easy-going mindset.  My father, who is now turning 60 years old, had not only retired from farming but also submitted all his hard earned sacrifices and belongings 15 years ago. I am sure he must have become obsolete long before he thinks h...

The Answer is Within Each Bhutanese –III

“What we need now, more than ever, is a corresponding degree of resolve and determination for our national interest”. This above line from His Majesty’s 114 th  National Day Address made me think a lot, indeed very differently and profoundly.    Not so often, but I have the following points to make a statement that is somehow making us shy away from pursuing a collective national interest. I will share. Why?   First, our king is working so hard by himself for his common subjects –poor or rich, near or far, landlord or homeless, civilian or security personnel. There is no doubt about it. Needless to say, our Kings have granted almost everything for free and so easily and have secured us from all the danger and threat. Therefore, people don't feel any urgency for nation building.    Second, the government is doing almost everything for free. Maintaining old school building blocks, to community drinking water, supplying unending free bees, to free education, t...

The Answer is Within Each Bhutanese –II

The second highlight I am laying down from His Majesty’s 114 th  National Day Address is quite seemingly forgotten but important in nation building.    “We know our country best. We are a compassionate and close-knit society. We hesitate from giving honest views or taking bold actions, which might risk offending, or displeasing others. As a result, the strength of our national character, exemplified by courage and determination of our forefathers, has weakened; complacency has set in, discipline has warned, and corruption is on the rise”.    I am zooming in on one small part of our fervid  underlying issue that has been knowingly buried for long. Much like any other, our school too has many flaws in system, curriculum, human resources, and mis-match infrastructures to name a few.    I will be sharing my concern on just one flaw: “mis-match infrastructures”.    I am a product of Bhutanese education system. I know the best and the worst pa...

The Answer is Within Each Bhutanese

I have few to share on the following excerpt drawn from His Majesty’s 114 th  National Day Address. In fact, I have underpinned this quite often in my daily conversation with students, colleagues, leaders and parents.    “Creating greater economic prosperity for our people and the nation remains an important national goal. If our country prospers, the people will enjoy the benefits as they become more confident and self-reliant and develop a greater sense of belonging to our country. Should we fail, our people will suffer”.   How many of us are so serious about jobs we do, business we operate, entrepreneurs we start and service we provide? Despite the best laws, policies and SOP in place, we still lack individual ethics.  How many of us think wisely and are futuristic that if a country prosper, ultimately people reap the benefit. Thus, there is no doubt for chest-out confidence and self-reliance.    I met one friend during online training tha...

Translation of His Majesty’s Address to the Nation on the 114th National Day

His Majesty The King of Bhutan Addressing The Nation  (From His Majesty's Personal FB Page) This address is copied from His Majesty's FB Page for  personal  and future reference. I would be giving a few reflections on the address (part-by-part) in coming days. --- On the auspicious occasion of our National Day, I offer my deep prayers to Guru Rinpoche, humble reverence to Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, and profound gratitude to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo. I extend my heartfelt Tashi Delek to the people of the 20 Dzongkhags and Bhutanese living abroad.   Despite the threats from the Covid-19 pandemic, we have continued to successfully pursue our national goals. This is due to the blessings of the Triple Gem, the good fortune of our leaders, the merit of our forefathers, and the unified efforts of our people.   The Royal Government has successfully vaccinated the vast majority of our people. This was possible through the generous assistance of many countries l...

The Season of Awards

As the year draws to its end, chilly weather at its best. It's the season to remember, reflect and introspect for the year which is soon to become history and the past. Perhaps, now it's time to seek blessing for good health, wealth and happiness as the New Year is about to knock the heaven's door in hope.    The civil service medal and promotion were awarded to eligible civil servants. Nevertheless, the certificate for academic excellence was also awarded to school and university students. These are the symbols of great achievement for the recipients and their families, friends and colleagues, schools and institutions. This is how the nation is built.    High school classmates in the Far East were decorated in colorful   Gho  and a  Tsho Lham  (Traditional Bhutanese Boot) for the civil service medal. Likewise down South, a close friend of mine was seen offering butter lamps and paying homage to local deities before heading to recei...


  The beauty queen Taste in the air The art in the nature Queen of color The invisible feast Queen of the nectar Water, the life savior Hello LAL Butterflies are small flying creatures. It is beautiful and attractive. Found in different colors and sizes, it is one of the very shy and sensitive creatures to photograph. As beautiful as it appears, it is extremely difficult to be around. However, good control over the camera is one way to  maneuver the mission . Further, your behavior, body gears and movement also makes your trips successful  and  fulfilling.   I  started  my journey of watching and shooting this little creature in the year 2013. I lost a good collection (a few thousands) of photographs of roughly 150 different  varieties  of butterflies when I got a bad hard drive crash. It didn't stop me. I took another journey to keep my passion alive. I started watching and shooting in the next few years. Ever since, I fell in love with this...

Book Review: Within the Realm of Happiness

by Kinley Dorji After a Radio Valley Talk Show hosted by Kunga Dorji, better known as "supe", I came to know Dasho Kinley Dorji more and better than I saw him as a secretary of the Ministry of Information and Communication. Listening to their talk show, I was thrilled to have his book and waited for the book.  A few weeks ago, I came across a post made by Chablop PaSsu on "BOOKNESE" about the book release, ready for an online order. It took me no time to place an order. With the hope deep inside, I waited for an immediate response from the page admin. After a few hours, it was Lyonpo Loknath Sharma, Minister for Economic Affairs who gracefully and coincidentally responded as "Sancha, where are you –I can send you a copy as I got two la". It took me some time to think and respond to Lyonpo. Honestly it took me many more to respond. But, deep inside I needed the book by Dasho Kinley. I was longing read his book. I gave my address to Lyonpo in a personal chat...