

The beauty queen

Taste in the air

The art in the nature

Queen of color

The invisible feast

Queen of the nectar

Water, the life savior

Hello LAL

Butterflies are small flying creatures. It is beautiful and attractive. Found in different colors and sizes, it is one of the very shy and sensitive creatures to photograph. As beautiful as it appears, it is extremely difficult to be around. However, good control over the camera is one way to maneuver the mission. Further, your behavior, body gears and movement also makes your trips successful and fulfilling.


started my journey of watching and shooting this little creature in the year 2013. I lost a good collection (a few thousands) of photographs of roughly 150 different varieties of butterflies when I got a bad hard drive crash. It didn't stop me. I took another journey to keep my passion alive. I started watching and shooting in the next few years. Ever since, I fell in love with this little and beautiful creature in nature. It is nice to hang around with this flying being. Sometime, I wish to fly like them. One of the best moments I ever spent around bushes, fields, mountains, streams and riversides was with this little guy. It will definitely gonna get into my memory for the rest of my life.

The other hope I have with this insect is to go to the valley of Tashiyangtse and Pemagatsel to shoot Bhutanitis Ludlowi, better known as Ludlow's Bhutan Swallowtail. 

Please do not misunderstand me over hunter Frank Ludlow and GeorgeSheriff. I am no way outraging like them in the field of nature. But I am one a serious nature lover.  

Thank you.



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