
Showing posts from June, 2024

Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson – REWORK

source: Google Rework is a thought-provoking book that comes in a simple language yet powerful to rethink many aspects of our work especially on doing business.  I came across this interesting line from my FB friend by name: Dorji Wangchuk, whom I have known for many years now as a blogger, educationist, and engineer. He pointed out  "Jaigaon. People in the same business coordinate. Bhutan: People in the same business cancel each other" . What can be more thoughtful than this phrase? I believe this is nothing far from the real-truth that's in our veins, kind of traditional  pass down from generation this slow nerve, and especially our people need to relearn, and unlearn through this beautiful book "REWORK" about the art of doing "BUSINESS". The best part of the book is that it did not need to be read in order, page-by-page, or chapter-by-chapter, or topic-by-topic, one can read by picking up any page, or topic or chapter in any order. The other interes...

A Wonderful Workmate - II

"That's strange," Simon remarked. "The cars are ridiculously filthy." I advised him to be careful when bending over to clean the car, reminding him that self-care is crucial to avoid back pain and to maintain our ability to keep working in the yard all week.  Simon quickly got the hang of cleaning the cars, showing a great sense of humor and a better taste in cars than I had. While I was clueless about a few brands, he seemed an automotive genius. To pass our time, Simon and I discussed a wide range of topics –politics, wars, sports, culture, weather, and music, sharing our experiences and exchanging some random thoughts and comments. Perhaps, we acted like an expert!  Technology, AI, education, jobs, and business were frequent subjects as well. We even did not spare our mountains, trees, rivers, landscapes, and wildlife. Discussions about car brands, colors, and smoothness energized us and kept us motivated throughout the day. We were occupied talking about our...

To A Beloved Lady

To My  Wife, Sometimes, I'm not in the best of moods or conditions. I talk less. I work less. I share less. I express less.   I know... It hurts you and others in the family. It gives you cause for concern. It burdens you. It frustrates you. PLEASE know that... I'm always here for you and the family, no matter my situation. Please accept me as I am! Thank you for understanding  and  giving me another day to work through my hard times.  I will return in a good mood on other days...

For English Medium

Third Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck  Source: Google  This is the extract I'm looking for long to put as an archive.  “The Third Druk Gyalpo was a visionary who understood that Bhutan was small and isolated, and that a Hindi-based modern education system would limit Bhutan's scope in international engagement. He therefore, adopted English as the medium of instruction in schools and began in earnest to build an education system that became the foundation of a network of primary, secondary and tertiary institutions that we see in Bhutan today”.   I'm still looking forward to anything more priceless than this King's vision. Small yet so profound that we are lucky to have our education system all in English. Otherwise, we would be lingering and behaving so traditionally in all aspects of life.  I've been eager to put this into perspective for several compelling reasons that I believe are important for us. If for nothing else, our shared working language of ENGLIS...