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Showing posts from August, 2024

I am Getting Little Crazy

Many people choose to go to university after gaining some work experience, while others go right after finishing college. I, however, started my higher education a bit later, but I am grateful I had the chance to study at a good university in Australia. The journey from high school to college and then to university helped me grow and think more maturely. Moving from a rudimentary setting to a world-class campus, I feel very lucky to be surrounded by students who share similar dreams and goals. University life, as many say, is fun, though it comes with a mix of everything. You might feel relaxed at first, but it usually comes with a lot of responsibilities and accountability. As part of a unit assignment, I recently submitted a project to design a simple IT infrastructure. We were asked to create a business model, or company that required basic IT infrastructure with cybersecurity at its core. For me, naming the company was easy—I called it " Dodo AutoWork ." While some might

How Can We Think Better

The Bhutanese Page Inside Bhutan Page I recently came across an interesting cover about Thimphu  Thromde's  plan to introduce parking fees from   Changilimithang  till the south end. This proposal has sparked a lot of personal opinions. If it is implemented effectively, it could easily generate significant national revenue that would support and sustain essential infrastructure development. I have a few things to share based on my personal experiences and observations. It's crucial that we move towards a more fair and transparent approach to managing this sector, as our traditional methods seem to fall short of national expectations. The current human-managed ticketing system, though providing employment for our youth, is not achieving its intended goals. More importantly, we need to consider the lessons we are passing down to these parking fee collectors. For the present population and the number of vehicles in the country, there are enough parking spaces to be used by all at

The Innocence

  Mom, Yesha & Reden Mom & Reden I recently found these photos on my wife's phone that deeply touched me. They stirred up powerful emotions of longing and innocence, and I couldn't help but was overwhelmed by how much I missed them.  The images brought tears to my eyes and an intense ache in my heart. It’s heartbreaking to see this captured in the photos, and I can only hope that no other parents or young children have to experience this kind of separation. My heart aches for my two beautiful kids, who are so far away from us. I feel an immense sense of sorrow for what they are missing out on and for the distance that keeps us apart. There's nothing more heartwarming than video chatting with our children, who are thousands of miles away, made possible by the incredible advancements in technology and the power of the Internet. It allows us to see and speak with them whenever we want, maintaining our bond despite being separated for over a year. We deeply regret the t

FDI in Education Sector

Source: Kuensel Page Our National paper " Kuensel " editorial on date:   August 21, 2024   made an interesting cover on " Second attempt at FDI ". It immediately caught my attention, prompting me to share some pressing concerns I have had for a while as a concerned citizen. The editorial effectively discussed where, how, and when FDI should enter Bhutan and emphasized why it is crucial for our nation—a thought-provoking perspective. However, a few key points made me reconsider: Is FDI only about improving the ease of doing business? How often do we hear the government talk about creating a conducive environment through policies, plans, and projects?  In my view, FDI is highly risky and potentially hazardous if not handled with careful consideration. What happened with the Japanese Grant Aid for constructing bridges and other essential infrastructure? What have we learned from this project and the Japanese approach to building a secure and stronger nation? Did we lea

A Nice Way to Start My Day with Facebook

In today's technology-driven world with easy access to the internet, almost anything seems possible. Like many others, I start my day by quickly checking my newsfeed on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These sites are typically overflowing with information—some valuable, some less so—making them both time-consuming and a convenient distraction when there's nothing else to do. While social media can sometimes foster laziness, it also keeps us instantly updated on global events, which I find to be an advantage. Facebook, in particular, takes up a significant amount of my time. Even though I don’t plan to scroll through endless newsfeeds, it’s difficult to resist. I often end up reading and watching a variety of content, both useful and not so useful. However, one thing is certain: I get to keep myself well-informed about local, national, and international news. Inside_Bhutan Page Karma Loday's Page BBS Page A few years ago, I was really into watc

Reden's 4th Birthday

Dear Reden, Four years ago, on August 8, 2020, you came into our lives, completing our family of four. That day, you became a cherished part of our happy family. Your sister Yesha was overjoyed to see your face when we returned from the hospital (JDWNRH). I am deeply grateful to your mom, my life partner, for carrying you for nine months, nurturing you with love and care, and enduring so much pain and hardship to bring you into this world. We will always treasure the moment you joined us. August 8, 2020, was during the first nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. Despite the many strict lockdown protocols, the joy of your safe arrival made everything easier. For so many reasons, August 8 will always hold a special place in our hearts. I just wanted to share a few thoughts about how we are feeling being away from you and Yesha. It was never our intention to be away from you two for such an extended period. As much as you both feel our absence, we are enduring an even greater pain, thinking of yo