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My Mom's Favourite Cotton Balm Oil

POY SIAN PIM SAEN BALM OIL - Have you heard of this oil? It's my mom's favourte medicine.

I am here to unveil another interesting story of my mom's best medicine oil that she has been closely using for long. One thing that is always in my mom's pocket would be this cotton balm oil, serving as an all-round medicine. Whenever, she mentions it's running low, I make sure to buy one for her. 

I have few stats of this oil from Google;

"Poy Sian Pim Saen Balm Oil is one of the most popular inhalers from Thailand. It is made of 100% natural ingredients such as patchouli oil, menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor. Gently inhale or rub it for relief from dizziness, stuffy nose, nausea, drowsiness, and other related issues."

My mom firmly believes in the power of this oil. She always keeps it with her for reasons that are deeply personal, even though I am not entirely convinced of its effectiveness. She uses it for everything from headaches and fevers to body pain, eye pain, and joint pain. 

Because she loves this cotton balm oil so much, I make sure she always has one in her pocket. I've been doing this since high school, saving up money to buy it whenever I visit home. She absolutely loves it!

As I am getting older, I've come to appreciate the importance of this oil. Whenever I have a mild headache, joint pain, or a cold, I use it, and it especially helps with headaches and nasal congestion. I'm starting to understand why my mom finds it so effective is for—the natural, warm, and strong yet clean scent of herbs clears nasal congestion, relieves stress, and provides instant freshness and relaxation.

With my mom's long-term influence and my own experiences, I now turn to this oil whenever I've a headache, a blocked nose, or some body pain. I even tried it for stomachaches!

There are many online reviews of this product. One reviewer mentioned, "Great! My wife and I have been using this balm oil for years. It has helped us relieve neck pains, muscle aches, headaches, and even mild migraines"

While there are many benefits, I always warn my mom to keep it out of children's reach due to its strong aroma, which can affect their breathing, eyes, or any cuts. It should always be stored safely, away from young kids and in cool places.

Now, just like my mom, I make sure to always have one in my pocket for emergencies. As we age, illness can strike without any warning, so keeping one in hand is an essential part of self-care.

My mom introduced me to this Thai cotton balm oil long ago, and now I use it for many different purposes. It's truly a great product.


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