Many people choose to go to university after gaining some work experience, while others go right after finishing college. I, however, started my higher education a bit later, but I am grateful I had the chance to study at a good university in Australia. The journey from high school to college and then to university helped me grow and think more maturely. Moving from a rudimentary setting to a world-class campus, I feel very lucky to be surrounded by students who share similar dreams and goals. University life, as many say, is fun, though it comes with a mix of everything. You might feel relaxed at first, but it usually comes with a lot of responsibilities and accountability. As part of a unit assignment, I recently submitted a project to design a simple IT infrastructure. We were asked to create a business model, or company that required basic IT infrastructure with cybersecurity at its core. For me, naming the company was easy—I called it " Dodo AutoWork ." While some might ...